Tuesday, March 30, 2010


From "Saving Freedom" by Jim DeMint:
" There can be no freedom unless individuals have the capabilities, including skills and values, to live independently and succeed in a free society. There can also be no freedom unless a society recognizes the rights of individuals to make choices and take actions based on their own values. A third requirement for a free society is that individuals must be constrained from taking actions that violate the freedom of others."


commoncents said...

Thank You for posting this!

I love your blog!!!

Common Cents

ps. Link Exchange/??

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Thanks, CC! I have posted your blog to my Sidebar, and would love if you would do the same!

Roni said...

Thank you Judy for pointing out this major difference in liberals and conservatives. We do not expect them to GIVE UP anything, yet they want everything THEIR way!We will NOT give up the Freedoms our Founding Fathers faught so hard for! Tea Party-ers are for the Constitution, if people don't like it they should live in Europe