Friday, September 4, 2009

Antidote for Anger

Much has been said recently about how angry Conservatives have become, disrupting town hall meetings, shouting at Health Care forums, organizing rallies to loudly voice their opposition to Cap and Trade, the ever-growing deficit, out of control spending, ever-growing government, outrage over the ‘Czars’ that surround our President… I could go on and on, but you get it.
A couple of thoughts about anger: I have heard that anger is fear turned outward, so we must identify what we are afraid of. Usually, fear occurs when we are afraid 1) we will lose something we have, or 2) we won’t get something we want. I think we all know what we’re afraid of, so the next step is to determine what we can do to overcome the fear. Here’s my antidote: ACTION!
So… you’re thinking, ‘What can I do?”. And I understand if you think that nothing you do or say will make a difference. I, too, have felt overwhelmed when I see the magnitude of events that have occurred over the past years, especially since last year’s election. But I think the election did more to galvanize many of us than we realize.
So what action have I taken? Well, back in November of last year I started this blog, partially because I needed to take stock of what I believed in, what I stand for, and what I am dead set against. But also, I wanted to reach out to others who share my beliefs to support and encourage others to get into action. We have a lot of work ahead of us, and we need to decide what to do and how to do it.
Another thing I have done is to become a Precinct Committeewoman for our local Precinct. Each precinct has a number of positions open, and this is the most grass-roots thing you can do to become an active citizen of your county. Each precinct committee seat gives your county chair person a vote at the state level for your party. Without the bodies, your chair person has no voice at the state level. Our county had only 8 precinct committeemen at the beginning of this year… now we have over 50, thanks to our county chairman really putting out the effort to recruit new PC’s.
I have also been writing to my elected representatives to let them know how I feel about proposed legislation, and I am also actively writing letters to the editor of our local newspaper to espouse our positions on issues in the news and editorials.
I attend the meetings of our local Republican Women’s group each month where we have elected representatives, candidates for office, and others in to talk to us about issues, pending legislation, etc. I listen carefully, and do what I can to support those who I believe in.If you have watched the videos posted earlier of the August 31 TEA Party Express rally, you may remember the speech given by State Senator Russell Pearce, R-Mesa. Senator Pearce made a very strong case for being engaged in your local community. I know… believe me I know how busy we all are! I am busier now than when I still went to work 4 days a week! But I’m really not going to let the ‘Progressives’ (Progressives? Give me a break!) take over while we sleep and walk around with blinders on. I don’t think it’s too late to correct our course, but we don’t dare wait any longer to ACT! I hope you'll join me...

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