Tuesday, September 1, 2009

August 31 Flagstaff Tea Party

Whew! I finally got the pictures uploaded and edited... over 40 of them! I won't be posting them all here, but this will give you an idea of the event.
We arrived early... before 5pm, and there were already over 100 people there. By the time the event began, the number had grown to over 1000, and they were enthusiastic, smiling even while many carried signs describing their dissatisfaction and disgust with the skull-duggery going on in our Nation's Capitol.
Several current and past office holders were on hand, both Republicans and Democrats, to urge us to keep fighting to have our voices heard by those in Washington DC:
State Treasurer Dean Martin, former Coconino County Sheriff Joe Richards, and State Senator Russell Pearce, R-Mesa, were on hand to encourage us to speak out against big government, skyrocketing deficit spending, and legislation designed to destroy our Republic.

By the way, there was a valiant little band of Health Care supporters waving signs across the road from our rally... you have to look really hard to see them! I think their numbers swelled to about 8 at one time...

I'll leave you with this image... several people in the crowd were waving the flag flown in distress mode, which is an indication that we really are serious about our concerns for the direction our government is taking, and unless we let them know that we will take action, they will continue to take us down as a nation... America, stand up and fight!
Video to follow...

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