Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What matters to me

I woke up early this morning and the phrase 'core values' popped into my head. I began to compile a list, and here is what I have so far:

1) Freedom -- this is a gift we take for granted in this country, probably because we have had it for so long... I can't imagine life without it.
2) Honesty -- this attribute is so important, and yet it is something very difficult to practice as well as obtain from others. 'The truth will set you free' is an old adage that reminds me that if I am honest with myself and others, I will not be burdened with guilt, remorse, regret.
3) Independence -- I don't think it is possible, or even desirable to be 100% totally independent. However, I hold my independence very dear... to be able to stand on my own as much as possible, to possess a certain personal autonomy, is one of the greatest rewards I have been given in this life. I continue to depend on my Creator for strength and guidance, but He has blessed me with determination, courage and persistence, which has allowed me to achieve many things in my time.
4) Faith -- this is a gift that I was given well into my adulthood, and only after much struggle and resistance. I had to go through many painful experiences in my life before I accepted that I am not in charge, but I have a Creator who watches over us all. No, I am not going to go off on a tangent here... suffice it to say that this is a quality I embrace and I am grateful to have it.
5) Willingness -- I have found that if I am not willing to make an effort to achieve something, that I do not get very far in my endeavors. However, if I become willing to work hard, then I do get results. This seems like a pretty simple concept, but it took me quite a long time to realize it!
6) Good Health -- this is such a no-brainer, and yet so many of us take it for granted! I spent much of my young adult years totally ignoring what I was doing to myself with alcohol, tobacco, and other reckless pursuits... now I am at an age where I am fighting my weight, although not very diligently... and I remember my step-mom going through the same thing, and I tried to encourage her to exercise... these days, I walk almost every day, but haven't been to the gym in weeks! So I guess every age has it's battle... I hope to do better at maintaining my health as I go forward.
7) Friends -- true friends are few and far between, and I have learned over the years to cherish those I have and keep the ties strong, even though we have scattered in all directions. I am also working on building new friendships, because I have found that to have a friend one must be a friend... that requires effort, but it's like planting a seed... a little attention, and before you know it you have a thriving garden.
8) Respect -- self-respect and respect for others. By this, I mean treating with consideration, a quality we have far too little of today, in my opinion. This is something that is learned, we do not come into this world hard-wired for respect. So I must conclude that the lack of respect shown by people for others these days is due to poor upbringing.
9) Accountability -- willingness to take responsibility for one's actions. If we all practiced accountability a little more, and finger-pointing a little less, I think the world would be a happier place.
10) Civility -- this should be a no-brainer and goes along with respect. I find more and more these days that there is a glaring lack of civility among us... people rarely say 'excuse me' or 'pardon me' when passing in front of you at the store or interrupting you during a conversation. The other day I was at the grocery store and asked one of the employees about the availability of an item on the sale ad. She checked and came back to say they weren't ready yet, so I told her not to mind because I couldn't wait... she got very offensive and made derogatory remarks because I wasn't willing to stand around waiting for something that should have been on the shelf since the ad broke the day before. Amazing... My feeling is that it takes very little effort to act toward others in a civil manner, but fewer and fewer of us are willing to make that effort. That may be a contributing factor to the state of the world today... just a thought.

Well, there is a start on my list of what matters to me. I will be adding more to the list as I have time to ponder more...


stitching and opinions said...

I think an important value is a sense of humour, because it means coming at things i thought I had sorted from a different angle.
That and Generosity of spirit and ......Kindness?

Anonymous said...

Hi, just found your blog. I've enjoyed reading it, and share your values. I am particularly big on accountability, and I, like you, think that there aren't enough people today who even understand what it is, let alone practice it.